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发布时间:2020-09-09 15:19:44 来源:互联网

小编为大家整理好了CFA一级考试历年真题精选2, 备考2020年CFA考试, 不光需要听课和看书,还需要做练习题。 目前正处于2020年CFA考试备考阶段。行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫拖延将不断滋养恐惧,希望大家都能够马上行动起来,用行动来证明自己。

CFA一级考试练习题。CFA一级 企业理财

With regard to the most appropriatetreatment of cash flows in capital budgeting,which of the following is correct?

A. A project is evaluated using its incrementalcash flows on an after-tax basis.

B. Interest costs are included in theproject′;s cash flows to reflect financing costs.

C. Sunk costs and externalities should notbe included in the cash flow estimates.

Solution: A

CFA一级 职业伦理

Dacy Chen, CFA, is an independent financial advisor for a high networth client. He had not contacted with the customer in over two years. Duringa recent brief telephone conversation, the client stated he wanted to increasehis risk exposure. Dacy subsequently recommended and invested in severalhigh-risk funds on behalf of the client. Dacy continued, as he had done in thepast, to send to his client monthly, detailed itemized investment statements.Did Dacy most likely violate any CFAStandards?

A. No.

B. Yes, with regard to purchasing venture capital funds.

C. Yes, with regard to investment statements.

Solution: B

Dacy violatedStandard III (A) in not exercising Loyalty, Prudence and Care. Bravoria had notupdated his client's profile in over two years thus should not have madefurther investments, particularly in high risk investments until such time ashe updated the client's risk and return objectives, financial constraints andfinancial position. Dacy provided his client with investment statements morefrequently than that which is required; i.e. quarterly so was not in violationof regular account information.

CFA考试习题为大家整理好了, 大家快来检测学习成果吧, 希望能够帮助大家轻松备考,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。备考CFA考试的路上肯定是布满荆棘的,但是大家也不要气馁,预祝大家能够在2020年顺利取得CFA证书,步入这一行业。

